Call for Abstracts has now closed
REGISTER FOR CAMS2024 HERE Contact Conference Organizer: info@materialsaustralia.com.auOUR SUPPORTERS
Without our supporters, we wouldn’t be able to deliver such quality material, engage with such respected associations and attract the experts that we do. Our supporters provide resources, expertise and experience and allow us to move beyond the basics of a conference and create an environment where ideas find germination, like-minded people come together and knowledge is shared across all types of disciplines.
CAMS 2024 is part of an ongoing series of meetings that are the product of the cooperation between two eminent materials professional societies in Australia – Materials Australia (MA) and the Australian Ceramic Society (ACS). These meetings, which represent the forging of joint objectives, began in 2004.
Symposia themes for the CAMS 2024 Conference include exciting presentations on advanced manufacturing and advances in materials characterisation. There will also be talks on corrosion and degradation, as well as the selection of durable materials for demanding environments and much more.