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CAMS 2024

CAMS2024 Invited Speakers

Prof. Wei Pan, Tsinghua University

Prof. Wei Pan

Tsinghua University

Prof. Wei Pan is a Professor and Director of the State Key Lab of New Ceramics and Fine Processing at Tsinghua University, China. He has published more than 170 papers in the journals like Phys. Rev. Lett.,Phys. Rew. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Adv. Mater., Chem. Mater., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Acta Mater.etc. He is a Member of the standing-committee of the Chinese Ceramic Society and Editorial Board Member of several international journals. He is also the Fellow of the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo.
Abstract: Metal bonding Ceramic Substrate by Atmosphere Plasma Spray

Prof. Luke Kenderson

Prof. Luke Hendersen

Deakin University

Prof. Luke Henderson is and ARC Mid-Career Industry Fellow and Professor of Materials Chemistry at the Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University. He leads the research activities there on surface chemical manipulation for a range of materials. He has formal training in synthetic organic chemistry and has developed a range of facile and robust surface modification procedures, able to be applied to metals, (bio)polymers, 2D nanostructures, and carbonaceous materials, particularly carbon fibres. His research focuses on imbuing materials with functionality via their surface functionality. Notable examples are carbon fibres that are both coloured and colour changing, improvements of over 300% of interfacial strength, and the increase in energy storage capability of carbon fibres by over 300x that of ‘off the shelf’ material. His work has attracted over $30M in funding from a range of national government (ARC, Department of Industry), international government (US Air Force, Navy, Army and DARPA), Industry (Ford USA, BMW, Rolls Royce, Solvay) and philanthropic (CASS foundation) sources. He is also a theme leader and foundational lead of the Australian Composites Manufacturing CRC funded in 2023 for $70M.
Abstract:  Interface and interphase design in carbon fibre composites

Dr. Joe Herbertson

Director, Skye Point Innovation

Joe is co-founder and Director of The Crucible Group, which has taken its Continuous Biomass Converter (CBC) technology to the point of commercialisation. Support for the emergent business remains his primary focus.
Joe was formerly the Director of BHP Central Research Laboratories and General Manager Research BHP Steel. He subsequently initiated the Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing and became Director of The Natural Step in Australia. Joe led the strategy development work for Safe Climate Australia.
Recognition for his contributions to research, innovation and sustainability includes Sawamura Award (ISIJ), Hadfield Medal (IMMM), and Member of the Order of Australia (AM).
Joe serves on the international Assurance Panel of Responsible Steel and continues to act as an advisor to the iron and steel sector through Skye Point Innovation.
Abstract: Renewable Carbon Materials for Steel Manufacturing challenges and opportunities in low emission ironmaking

Prof Allan Manalo, University of Southern Queensland

Prof. Allan Manalo

University of Southern Queensland

Allan is the theme leader of the Civil Composites research group at the University of Southern Queensland. He has an extensive research track record and industry collaboration on fibre composites and low-carbon emission materials for civil infrastructure. His research portfolio totals more than $12 million, secured through competitive processes including the Cooperative Research Centre-Projects (CRC-P) and the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects. Allan is currently holding the Advanced Queensland Industry Research Fellowship in collaboration with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, which aim to future-proof Queensland’s marine and boating infrastructure using GFRP-reinforced concrete technologies. Prof Manalo was awarded the UniSQ Excellence in Research Award in 2019 and was a recipient of the Australian Government Endeavour Executive Leadership Award in 2019 in recognition of his excellence in industry engagement, innovation and research
Abstract: Degradation mechanisms of structural composites under Australian environmental conditions

Erin Brodie

Dr Erin Brodie

Monash University

Dr. Erin Brodie is the Research and Innovation Lead of the FutureLab at Monash University, Australia, and is passionate about industry research and… archaeology. She is a metallurgist at heart, with a background in additive manufacturing of biomedical devices, having worked on applications such as titanium-tantalum bone implants and magnesium degradable coronary stents. Erin now works with an excellent team in the FutureLab to provide materials and 3D prototyping solutions for a range of industries (‘metallurgically’ mainly working with steels, Ni-alloys and Al coatings). In 2023, after reaching out to the Faculty of Arts, she began a portfolio of projects at the intersection of materials science and archaeology and attended excavations in Azerbaijan. Her ongoing research continues to explore how materials science techniques can benefit artefact analysis and conservation, and how our modern technology can benefit from the understanding of the intrinsic development of metallurgy in the Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages.
Abstract: Archaeometallurgy from the Near East to the Mediterranean

CUI, Xiaolin Assistant Professor

Assistant Prof. Xiaolin Cui

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

As a professional biochemical engineer, Dr. Cui joined the University of Otago as a postdoctoral Fellow after completing his PhD from the University of Adelaide in 2017. He was later promoted to Research Fellow in 2019. In 2021, he was appointed as an adjunct associate professor at the Department of Bone and Joint, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. In July 2022, he joined the School of Medicine as an Assistant Professor at CUHKSZ. Dr. Cui specializes in the interface of stem cells, biomaterials, biofabrication, and tissue engineering. He has a special interest in cartilage and bone regeneration, as well as cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment. His expertise includes polymer synthesis, tissue culture, anticancer drug screening, drug and gene delivery systems, and stem cell therapy. Currently, he is leading several pre-clinical trials in the field of tissue engineering.
Abstract: Cellular and Acellular Strategies in Cardiac and Cartilage Tissue Repair

Dr Amelia Liu

Dr. Amelia Liu

Monash University

Amelia received her PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2003 and then worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Electron Microscopy Center, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory (US-DoE) from 2004-2007. In 2008, Amelia returned to Australia, and began employment at Monash University where she has had a variety of roles including a Margaret Clayton Women in Research fellowship in the School of Physics and Astronomy (2009-2013) and managing research capabilities in the Monash Centre for Electron Microscopy (2014-2018). Amelia is currently an ARC Future Fellow in the School of Physics and Astronomy (2019-).
Amelia was recently awarded the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society FEI Cowley-Moodie Award for Research in the Physical Sciences for the development of new methods to characterise the atomic structure of disordered materials.
Abstract: Understanding the role of structure in glasses

Associate Professor Andrey Molotnikov

Assoc. Prof. Andrey Molotnikov

RMIT University

Associate Professor Andrey Molotnikov joined RMIT University in 2019 as the Deputy Director of the Centre for Additive Manufacturing. He holds a PhD in Computational Materials Science from Monash University where he also held an academic position as Senior Lecturer. Dr Molotnikov has received the Rod Rickards Fellowship from the Australian Academy of Science, ALMA2016 Award and the Anders Gustaf Ekeberg Tantalum Prize.
Abstract: Simulation driven optimisation of processing window for laser direct energy deposition process

Professor Daniel Fabijanic

Prof. Daniel Fabijanic

Deakin University

Professor Daniel Fabijanic is a metallurgist with a research focus in three interconnected pillars; novel surface engineering processes for severe service conditions, design of high entropy alloys and wear resistant alloys, and additive manufacturing. He has been a chief investigator on numerous large grants and centres totalling ~$15M. He is currently Deputy Director of the newly awarded Australian Research Council Industry Transformation Training Centre for Resource Efficient Alloys in a Circular Economy.
Abstract: Exploring the possibilities of Additive Friction Stir Deposition

Dr Nima Haghdadi

Dr. Nima Haghdadi

Imperial College London, UK

Dr. Nima Haghdadi is currently a Senior Lecturer in Engineering Alloys at Imperial College London. Prior to his tenure at Imperial, he served as a Lecturer (2021-2024) and Post-Doc (2019-2020) at UNSW Sydney, and was an Alfred Deaken Fellow and Victoria Fellow at Deakin University from 2017 to 2019. Dr. Haghdadi is the recipient of several esteemed awards such as the TFS Cowley-Moodie award and the Acta Materialia student award. His primary research focus is on optimizing the microstructure and properties of additively manufactured metallic materials, with a specific emphasis on interface and grain boundary engineering.
Abstract: In-situ microstructure engineering in metals using additive manufacturing thermomechanical signature

Dr Nima Haghdadi

Dr. Olga Zinovieva

UNSW Canberra

My expertise: My primary research interests are in modelling for additive manufacturing, multiscale methods, computational materials science, and computational mechanics. My current research focuses on processing-microstructure-property relationships in metal additive manufacturing. My research philosophy is to transfer knowledge to practice. I am always keen to collaborate with academics and industry professionals interested in additive manufacturing.
My bio: Since 2022 I am a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra. Before coming to UNSW, I conducted postdoctoral research a the University of Bremen (DE) being a part of the Airbus Endowed Chair for Integrative Simulation and Engineering of Materials and Processes. My previous experience also includes work at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk Polytechnic University, and Tomsk State University (RU), and being a visiting researcher at UNSW Canberra, University of Bremen, Sao Paulo State University (BR), and Centre of Materials Mines ParisTech (FR).
I am a Young Editorial Board Member in Digital Manufacturing Technology and a Certified Materials Professional (CMatP) within Materials Australia.
Abstract: Exploring Additive Manufacturing through the Simulation-led Approach: Dynamic Behaviour of Microlattices, Beam Shaping and Grain Refinement

Dr. Thoms Dorin

Assoc. Prof. Thomas Dorin

Deakin University

Dr Thomas Dorin leads the Aluminium research area at Deakin University’s Institute for Frontier Materials. Thomas was awarded his PhD from the University of Grenoble, France in 2013. His PhD project was carried out with Constellium, a leading enterprise in the field of high performance aluminium alloys for aeronautic applications. Dr Dorin came to Australia in January 2014 to take up a position as a research fellow in the metals group at the Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University. His work aims at gaining a better understanding of microstructural development in Al alloys and the relationship between process, microstructure and bulk alloy properties.
Abstract: Optimising Al-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloys for Additive Friction Stir Deposition

Professor Zhongxiao Peng

Prof. Zhongxiao Peng

UNSW Sydney

Dr Zhongxiao Peng completed her PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Western Australia in 2000. She joined James Cook University (JCU) as a lecturer in August 1999 and worked at JCU for 12 years. She led the Mechanical Engineering discipline over the period from 2008 to early 2011. Dr Peng joined the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at UNSW Sydney in August 2011. She leads the Tribology and Machine Condition Monitoring research group at UNSW Sydney and works closely with EmProf. Robert (Bob) Randall, Dr Pietro Borghesani and Dr Wade Smith on a number of projects in the field of machine condition monitoring.
Abstract: Wear studies of nylon gears made using conventional and additive manufacturing technologies

Assoc. Prof. Hongtao Zhu

University of Wollongong

A/Prof. Hongtao Zhu obtained BEng in 1993, MEng in 1996, Ph.D. in 2000 from Northeastern University, P.R. China. After working at Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for two years, he joined the University of Wollongong in 2002. Now, he is an Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering, University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. His major research interests include tribology, wheel and rail interface, advanced manufacturing, and computational material sciences. He has a strong track record of publications and authored/co-authored more than 200 refereed journals/conference papers. Scopus H-index=34, citations =3675; Web of Sciences: H-index=30, citations =3159. He has successfully supervised 20 Ph.D. completion (5 as the principal supervisor and 15 as the co-supervisor) at the University of Wollongong. Currently, he is principal supervising 5 Ph.D. and co-supervising 2 Ph.D. He leads the research group on 'Wheel and Rail Contact System' at the University of Wollongong. The reputation of the research team is widely recognized nationally and internationally, as evidenced by continuing funding support from the Australian railway industries, including Sydney Trains, Metro Train Sydney, Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation and Comsteel, and an overseas railway wheel manufacturer. He has a solid ability to win external competitive research grants. He is the first and leading CI for 8 industry contract projects with a total fund of 2.2 million dollars. He has been awarded 5 ARC Discovery Projects and 3 ARC Linkage Projects. He is a CI for 1 ARC LIEF Project and 1 ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre.
Abstract: Enhancing Corrosion Resistance of Steels Through Advanced Surface Functioning

Dr. Vitor Rielli

Dr. Vitor Rielli

UNSW Sydney

Dr. Vitor Rielli is a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Materials Science & Engineering at UNSW Sydney. He completed his PhD at UNSW in 2023, where his research focused on elucidating the structure-processing-property relationships of directly aged Alloy 718. Vitor's academic achievements were recognized with the prestigious Scientia scholarship and the Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis. Throughout his academic journey, Dr. Rielli has been a visiting scholar at esteemed institutions, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the USA, the University of Alberta in Canada, the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH in Germany. Dr. Rielli's research interests are in metallurgy phenomena, particularly focusing on aerospace alloys. His work employs multiscale correlative microscopy techniques to probe the intricate effects of thermo-mechanical processing on the nanostructure of multiphase alloys. By gaining insights into these mechanisms, he aims to engineer materials for enhanced mechanical performance at elevated temperatures.
Abstract: Advancements in the processing of Ni-based superalloys enabled by high-resolution characterization

Dr. Fatemeh Azhari

Monash University

Dr Fatemeh Azhari is a Lecturer in Structural Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering at Monash University. She received her B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology, Iran in 2010 and obtained her M.Sc. degree in Structural Engineering from the same university in 2012. She worked as a Teaching/Research Assistant at George Washington University and National Crash Analysis Centre, US from 2013 to 2014. She obtained her PhD in Structural Engineering at Monash University in August 2018. After completion of her PhD, she worked as a Research Fellow at Monash University for 10 months. She then worked as a joint research fellow at the University of Melbourne and the University of New South Wales for 2.5 years and focused on an integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) project funded by the Defence Science and Technology (DST) group. Her current research interests center around developing multi-scale computational tools for advanced materials and structures. She currently supervises five PhD projects, serving as the main supervisor for three and co-supervisor for two. These projects are focused on the multi-scale mechanical investigation of composite structures, titanium alloys, and titanium-based dental implants.
Abstract: A crystal plasticity-based finite element (CP-FE) modelling framework to predict the tensile response of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloys

Prof Jun Ma, University of South Australia

Prof. Jun Ma

University of South Australia

Professor in Materials Engineering UniSA STEM
Prof. Jun Ma is a Certified Materials Professional by Materials Australia. He received his PhD degree in Materials Processing in 2002. He then conducted research as a visiting scholar and postdoc fellow at the Centre for Advanced Materials Technology, The University of Sydney. He joined University of South Australia as a lecturer in 2007 and was promoted to a full professor in 2019. His research excellence is supported by four ARC Discovery Projects and five ARC Linkage Projects. Prof. Jun Ma has been appointed to the Australian Research Council's (ARC) College of Experts since 2022.
Prof. Ma’s research focuses on the development of applied functional (nano)composites through processing engineering materials with a range of cost-effective, safe nanomaterials, aiming to engage with industry in the design, development and manufacturing of advanced composite materials. To-date Prof. Ma as the lead Chief Investigator has attained a research income of $2.6 million; his total research income is over ten million dollars.
Abstract: Enhancing Epoxy Resins with Graphene Nanoplatelets

Dr Richard Tan

Dr. Richard Tan

University of Sydney

Dr. Richard Tan leads a multidisciplinary bioengineering research group of immunobiologists and engineers in the School of Medical Sciences at the University of Sydney. He completed his Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering program in the U.S at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008 earning a Presidential Undergraduate Research Award. He then went on to work for 5 years in Immunology at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research before completing his PhD in Immunomodulatory Biomaterials at the Heart Research Institute in 2019. He has spearheaded a multidisciplinary research effort with leading interventional cardiologist Prof Martin Ng, Royal Prince Alfred Hopsital vascular surgeon Dr. David Robinson, bioengineering scientist/Heart Foundation fellow A/Prof Steven Wise, and industry partner Endoluminal Sciences Pty Ltd. to develop a new endovascular device for the targeted delivery of immunotherapies to treat vascular disease. The quality and translational capacity of his research program is evidenced by recent funding success with the NSW Health EMCR Cardiovascular Research Capacity Scheme, Cardiovascular Initiative, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Abstract: Biologically-informed engineering to design better performing implantable biomaterials

Dr Kun Yang

Dr. Kun Yang


Dr Kun Yang is research team leader for High Resolution Processing team. She started in CSIRO Manufacturing in mid 2017 as a research scientist within the former Metal Industries Program and current Advanced Materials and Processing Program, with expertise in general materials selection and characterization, material design, and process control in material processing with a focus on high resolution processing.
Abstract: Alloy Design for Next-Generation Metallic Materials Using Recycled Feedstock

Dr. Amy Gelmi

RMIT University

Dr. Amy Gelmi is a Vice Chancellor's Research Fellowship at RMIT University where her research explores applying external stimuli to control stem cell fate for tissue engineering. Dr Gelmi's work spans dynamic biomaterials, material design, nanoscale characterisation, and advanced fabrication.
Dr Gelmi's background began with her PhD in using atomic force microscopy for biomaterial characterisation at the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute (IPRI) at the University of Wollongong, and continued using conductive polymer biomaterials to develop electroactive scaffolds for cardiac patch tissue engineering at Linköping University, Sweden.  Dr. Gelmi then moved to Imperial College London as a Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellow in the Stevens Group in the Department of Materials in 2015 where her research focused on understanding the behaviour of stem cells on dynamic biomaterials using highly sensitive real time characterisation tools.
Abstract: Electrically Conductive Biomaterials for Controlling Stem Cell Fat

Associate Professor Nigel Marks Curtin University

Assoc. Prof. Nigel Marks

Curtin University

A/Prof Nigel Marks is a material scientist with a long standing interest in atomistic computer simulation. He received his PhD in 1997 at The University of Sydney and worked at the Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation and the Queen's University of Belfast before returning to Sydney University on an ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship. After five years as a teaching and research academic, he moved to Curtin in 2008 to develop a program in nuclear materials simulation. In 2012 he was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship on nanodiamond synthesis from carbon onions. His other research interests include self-assembly in carbon, radiation damage in solids, semiconductor nanostructures and chemical effects due to beta-decay.
Abstract: Graphite rapidly forms via annihilation of screw dislocations

Dr. Elisa Cantergiani

Monash University

Elisa received her PhD from the University of Ottawa in 2015 and was awarded the Graham Prize from the association for iron & steel technology (AIST) for “Innovative steel applications”. After PhD, she joined the materials and mechanical engineering department of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) where she studied the microstructure evolution of niobium and copper deformed by spinning and electro-hydraulic forming. From 2016 to 2019, Elisa worked as simulation engineer for high-speed forming technologies like electro-hydraulic forming and magnetic pulse forming. End of 2022, she joined the Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research as postdoc researcher to work on crystal plasticity simulations of texture evolution during rolling and forming of aluminum alloys. After the postdoc, she became senior scientist at Novelis where she continued to study texture evolution in aluminum alloys and to develop low copper high strength aluminum alloys for the automotive market. Since October 2024, she joined Monash university as research fellow in the department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Abstract: Recent Advances in Understanding Cube Texture Evolution in 6xxx Aluminum Alloys

Dr. Hamid Pourasiabi


Hamid Pourasiabi is a Materials and Metallurgical Engineer (BEng, MEng, PhD) with over 17 years of research, development, professional engineering and teaching experience in the areas of physical metallurgy; tribology, wear and abrasion science; ferrous metallurgy; foundry and casting; heat treatment; characterization of materials; evaluation of mechanical, tribological and physical properties of materials.
He works in the Global Innovation team at Molycop as the Senior Tribology Engineer. Molycop is the world’s largest manufacturer of steel grinding media and a technical service provider to the mining and mineral processing industries. The company has a global network of manufacturing facilities, distribution centres and regional sales offices, servicing over 400 mines across 40 countries. Hamid is also affiliated with The University of Queensland as an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow.
Abstract: Mapping the effect of chemical composition of high chromium white cast irons on their abrasive wear performance

Dr. Binayak Roy

University of Melbourne

Dr Binayak Roy is an early career research fellow working at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Melbourne. He completed his PhD in 2019 from IIT Bombay, India, on the hydrogen storage application of boron compounds. His research experience also includes working at the School of Chemistry, Monash University, as a research fellow on electrolyte development for lithium-ion batteries. Dr Roy is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Chemical Australian Institute. His research interests include developing advanced electrolyte and additive materials for sustainable energy storage applications in fast charging and high energy density Li-ion batteries and low-cost Al-ion batteries.
Abstract: Utilising boron chemistry to address the challenges of next-generation Li-ion batteries

Dr. Bing Sun

University of Technology Sydney

Dr. Bing Sun is a Senior Lecturer at Centre for Clean Energy Technology, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science. He is the recipient of Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) 2018 and ARC Future Fellowship 2022.
Dr Sun’s research covers multiple disciplines: materials science and engineering, electrochemistry, materials chemistry, nanotechnology, solid-state physics, physical chemistry, and nano-fabrications. So far, he has published 2 book chapters and 110 peer-reviewed articles in international high-rank journals, including Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Energy & Environmental Science, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, etc. His publications have attracted over 7,200 citations with an h-index of 50 (ISI Web of Science).
Abstract: Developing High-Energy Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries

Dr. Michael Heitzmann

University of Queensland

Dr. Michael Tobias Heitzmann is the Co-Director for the Centre for Advanced Materials Processing and Manufacturing (AMPAM) and a Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at The University of Queensland. The centre he co-directs brings together over 60 researchers and 110 PhD students working with over 124 different industry and research partners.
Abstract: The complex issue of polymer matrix composite wear and durability in extreme environment conditions

A/Prof. Aijun Huang

Monash University

Professor Aijun Huang holds a PhD from the University of Birmingham, UK. He is a Fellow, Chartered Engineer and Chartered Scientist of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining UK. He is currently the Associate Dean – International, Faculty of Engineering and the Director of Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing and a full tenured professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University.
Prior to his appointment at Monash University, Prof. Huang was an industry technical expert for a number of multinational corporations. Prof Huang held the position of the Executive Vice President of the High-Performance Materials Business Unit which exclusively manufacturing all aerospace metallic materials in Baosteel Group; a Fortune Global 500 company. From 2006 to 2012, Prof Huang was the Titanium Specialist of Rolls Royce Derby globally leading the titanium and titanium aluminides fundamental research within the company where he was elected to the Rolls Royce Engineering Leadership List in 2011.
Abstract: Development of High-strength Metallic Materials for Additive Manufacturing

A/Prof. Kenta Aoyagi

Tohoku University, Japan

Kenta Aoyagi is an associate professor at the Institute for Materials Research.
Abstract: In-process monitoring and additively manufactured Al alloys in PBF-EB